Running For Love, 2016
Epoxy Resin
86 x 29 x 55 cm


Vic In "Running for Love", Coplu makes a humour-filled critique of society and how we are so desperate for love. A man holds a stick, attached to the end of said stick is a heart, and he chases after the heart as if a dog chasing after a bone. The image conveys how we all long for love, run after romance, yet not realising that it is already in our hands. Although the work is a critique, the warm colours used in the sculpture suggest a sense of love in this interpretation, as Coplu invites the viewer to laugh along with him at the state of our society.
"My work is a mirror, and it reflects the feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and experiences which we all share in life. Life is Beautiful - is my philosophy" - Coplu

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