Zhang Jian Long 
坦克大战 War of Tanks
Edition 3 of 10
42 x 21 x 22 cm

USD 5,850.00

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Clutching a videogame controller and rapt with enjoyment, the little boy shown in this piece is an embodiment of the childhood of the 90s. ‘War of Tanks’ is a reference to one of the first video games that were available on now-obsolete 16 bit consoles-; the pioneers that first began the technological advent into the virtual experience mania that has overtaken children today. As a tribute to his own childhood and his generation’, Zhang Jian Long showcases not only the cultural tweaks of his age, but the wonder so resplendent in simple pleasures when pursued from a child’s perspective.
He believes that in the past, people were more open-minded and carefree.

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