Quek Kiat Sing  
LPs- Riding The Wind
Ink on Paper
97 x 97 cm

USD 2,600.00

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Quek Kiat Sing's strokes of ink meander between the traditional application of controlled stroke to the spontaneous detailing of a contemporary style. Using hints of delicate colour, the artist further emphasizes her role as an artist who not only respects, but transcends the archaic connotations of ink. Choosing her subjects with care and deliberate precision, the lotus flowers symbolize purity, and are spiritual symbols as well. With their quite solitude and unassuming aesthetics, the artist wishes to bring attention to the everyday beauty nature beholds- beauty that often escapes the human eye of the modern world.
She juxtaposes modern subjects with traditional Chinese ink to emphasize the relevance of Asian culture in contemporary life.

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