Deng Cheng Wen 
Shame (殇)
Water Colour on Paper
42 x 66 cm

USD 2,900.00

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The image depicted in Deng Cheng Wen's 'Shame' is a heart-wrenching, evocative one. A shirtless youth lies face down on the pavement, with the mottled surface and trails of watercolour indicative of a heavy downpour. The red and peach tones add a rawness to the image - he is prostrate on the ground as a result of being shamed and embarrassed. Deng speaks with a bold voice and is unafraid to address issues that Chinese artists would normally consider taboo - here he avoids the venerated idea of 'saving face' and portrays the honest truth.
He paints the faces of his university friends in his series, ‘The Lightness of Seeing’.

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