Lim Ah Cheng 
Metamorphosis Metropolitan Horse 3
Mixed Medium on Canvas
165 x 128 cm


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Horses have always been symbols of grace and power, and known to be loyal companions of humankind for centuries. Blessed with intel- ligence and speed, these magnificent creatures are the animal king- dom’s equivalent of ‘beauty and brains’. In several ancient civilizations and cultures, horses bore spiritual meaning as well. In the art world, they have been immortalized in paintings and drawings since prehistoric times and have been reverently illustrated through the ages, from the great Roman, Macedonian and Persian empires, as well as many of history’s most lauded civilizations, such as the Greek, Assyrian, Chinese and Indian civilizations.
He has painted horses for well over 15 years, because, in his words, the horse is "poetry in motion when it gallops".

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