Eric Chomis 
The Last Mouthful of Sunshine (La Derniere Gorgee De Soleil), 2009
Mixed Medium on Canvas
100 x 5 x 100 cm

USD 7,300.00

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"I stay in this ancient house. It is in the middle of vineyards, in a sublime countryside. It is my source of happiness and I am lucky to live in this haven of peace.” The peace that is mentioned is the relief one experiences at the close of a fulfilling, productive day. The colours used here are richer and heavier to showcase the transition between day fading into twilight. Not only does Chomis express a fantasy world through the use of colour, the poetic sensitivity in his work manifests in the way he uses his materials - by creating holes, bumps and textures, he makes use of the canvas in a unique manner. Just as the other paintings in this series reference a departure, this painting invites us to depart from the urban life we are used to and journey back to the innocence of our childhoods while we still can.
His paintings portray many landscapes that are influenced by the streets of Lyon.

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