Noh Jun's 
DMG Wood Maru Babi, 2011
Milk Paint On Wood
50 x 36 x 49 cm

USD 5,100.00

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CCS 104 Jl Noh Jun is known for the creation of his own unique characters. These characters are found at several tourist destinations such as Japan and Bali. Noh brings to his viewers several children friendly characters such as Clo and Dappy, inspired by his past experience working at a children cable channel. These characters his characters are always part of a story that continues with each development in the character created. Noh also takes note of the location of the placement of his sculptures, altering their posture accordingly to give it a more authentic feel. Noh is renowned for the cuteness and simplicity that comes with each character and the added excitement to learn the rest of the narrative that follows each character.
His characters are photographed in vacation spots such as Japan and Bali, with each of them having their own narratives.

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