S.Dwi Stya Acong 
Meta Tanda ( Meta Marks )
Oil on Canvas
140 x 130 cm


S. Dwi Stya Acong's work features the element of surprise and unexpected juxtaposition. Composing beyond logic, the artist aims to resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dreams and realities. His ambivalent landscapes agitate the serene, depicting natural elements. Water, wind, and earth are always just suggested, and even though just suggested into its minimal form and color, we can feel the sense of the landscape. The artist plays with our hidden imaginary, with our natural instinct and formatted conception of elements allowing the unconscious to express itself. By abstracting realistic academic depiction of a tree or a cloud into blurry forms, S. dwi Stya Acong allows our mind to free itself from all thoughts and imagery, letting the unconscious express itself.
In his surrealistic paintings, he explores the tension between reality and dreams.

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